יום שבת, 4 ביוני 2011

Post-concussion Syndrome and Bathroom Priviledges

Therefore, while the appointment of lithium salts and lithium salts thiazide dose should be reduced. Nomifeshin reduces the reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine. With increasing levels of carbon dioxide is a direct activation marching the respiratory center, in marching respiratory center is activated by Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia reflexly by stimulation of carotid chemoreceptors marching . Practically does not cause withdrawal symptoms and drug dependence. Typical side effects of amphetamine are insomnia, tremor. Is a highly effective stimulant amphetamine (Benzedrine), amplifying release marching norepinephrine and dopamine in the synapses here the CNS. Derivatives benzodiazepines - a large group of compounds that stimulate benzodiazepine receptors and thus increase GAMKAretseptorov sensitivity to the action of GABA. This group of medicines tools such as piracetam (nootropil) gammaaminomaslyanaya acid (aminalon, gammalon) piritinol marching These substances stimulate neurometabolic processes Number antihypoxia action. Unlike benzodiazepines, has no sedative, anticonvulsant and myshechnorasslablyayuschego action. By sedating tools such as bromides, valerian preparations, Leonurus. Nefazodone moderately violates reverse neuronal seizure of serotonin, blocking presynaptic 5NT1 receptors and thus increases the release of serotonin. Preparations of valerian have a calming effect, enhance the effect of hypnotics, exhibit antispasmodic properties on smooth muscles of internal organs. These drugs are used in the neuroses and neurosis-like states, which accompanied by anxiety, fear, anxiety. Since the manic and depressive phases maniakalnodepressivnogo psychosis are interrelated, systematic intake of lithium carbonate, in addition to reducing manic excitation reduces the manifestations of the depressive phase. Hemodialysis in poisoning with benzodiazepines is inefficient, this is due to a high degree of binding benzodiazepines to plasma proteins and a significant volume of distribution (about 10 L / kg). Valokordin sedative, mild vasodilator and spasmolytic action. Thiazide diuretics increase the reabsorption of Li + in the renal tubules and 25% lower clearance of Li +. Side effects mesocarb: anxiety, insomnia (should not be given at night), nausea, decreased appetite, dry mouth, constipation, possibly slight increase in Voiding Cysourethrogram pressure. Use the drug valerian with nervousness, In particular, the neuroses with the impaired cardiovascular system, spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs. For healthy people nootropic marching do not exert significant influence. When systematic use of benzodiazepines to them developing psychological and physical drug dependence. This group of drugs includes drugs that have a calming (sedative) effect and weaken some of the manifestations neuroses (reduce irritability, and normalize sleep). Venlafaxine violates the reverse neuronal capture of norepinephrine and serotonin, but, unlike tricyclic antidepressants blocks Mholinoretseptor, adrenoretseptor, histamine N1retseptor. Lithium salts in specifically, lithium carbonate, are highly effective in manic states, which show high, but inappropriate, unproductive activity, inappropriate enthusiasm, a rapid succession of thoughts, ideas, exceptional arrogance, infringement judgments. Compared with the anxiolytics, they are less effective. Serotonin receptor agonist type 5NT1A buspirone - an effective anxiolytic. Benzodiazepines potentiate the effect of ethanol. As the use of anxiolytics diazepam (seduksen, relanium) chlordiazepoxide (elenium) oksazepam, alprazolam. Instead, preparations of valerian can be used closely resemble drugs Leonurus (Leonurum) - extract of grass Leonurus, Leonurus tincture, liquid extract of Leonurus. Mesocarb apply in cases involving sleepiness (especially if narcolepsy), lethargy, apathy, fatigue. Li + inhibition in the CNS release of norepinephrine and dopamine, increases Urinary Urea Nitrogen neuronal capture marching norepinephrine and serotonin. Appear apathy, drowsiness, weakening of memory, skin rash, characterized by conjunctivitis, marching nose, cough.

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